Eclectic Design Elements Enhance Sommerville Homes
As the holiday season approaches, Sommerville residents are redecorating interiors to prepare for festive celebrations and family gatherings. Compliment an eclectic interior design with a combination of core colors, textures, pictures, and unique shapes. Creating harmony in a space is simple with straightforward elements, which look good together. Native Plants Sommerville’s plant ordinance requires native plants to be grown on city property. The city is thinking green and placing the plants in parks and other places where appropriate. It is the first ordinance of its kind, helping to improve the local ecosystem. Residents may work to support the sustainable living initiative by planting native plants on private property and including the plants in interior design schemes. While there’s no requirement for native plants on private property, adding a collection of native plants to the home’s interior serves to highlight the home’s locale, adds a conversation piece about preservation, and helps to enhance the home’s air quality. Color Colors serve as the design base, which pulls eclectic design elements together and creates balance. Neutral colors are calming and allow for additional elements without creating a mismatched atmosphere. A few simple, classic tones are the foundation of the eclectic décor. Vibrant accessories […]